Just in case someone wants to know a little bit about me, here is a little blurb about where I have been and where I am going.
I am originally from Anchorage, AK, where I lived with my parents and my two siblings, until I graduated from South Anchorage High School. My brother, Nathan, is 21 months younger than me; my half sister, Tanya, is 13 years older than me, and married with four kids. After graduating, I decided to go to college in Salem, OR at Corban College, a small, private, liberal arts, Christian college. While I was there, I majored in Health Science Studies, and on top of my science courses, took some Biblical studies classes as well. During this time, I learned a lot about myself and what it means to be out on my own. I made some amazing friends, and I grew into a deeper understanding of my faith, learning that my walk with Jesus is my own.

At the end of my sophomore year, I knew I wanted to transfer somewhere with my best friend, who was back up in AK. So we started looking at different colleges that would have the majors we both needed, and ended up deciding on Boise State University. So off we went to Boise, sight unseen, along with two other good friends from AK to the apartment we found online. Two of my roommates drove down from Anchorage on the Al-Can Highway, while I drove over from OR with my mom and the stuff I had left in storage. There we spent the next three years, having several different roommates and two kitties. I graduated with honors from Boise State with my Bachelors of Health Science in Spring of 2011. I worked in the Emergency Department of a Medical Center in Nampa, ID the end of my Senior year and after graduating. It was there that I decided I wanted to be a nurse. I have always known that I wanted to work in the medical field, but it remained unclear exactly what I wanted to do, until I saw first hand what it means to be a nurse. Nurses are the ones who get provide much of the hands on patient care and who don't have to look at the patient as a puzzle to fix but a human being who has hurts and needs that must be met. If I had known all along that nursing was the path I wanted to pursue, I would have probably taken a much different path, and most likely be done with school already, but then I never would have met my husband.

I met Blake in September of 2011, through some mutual friends. One of the gals I scribed with at the hospital decided we would be perfect for each other, and she was right! Blake was living in Pocatello, ID at the time, which is ~4 hours drive from Boise. We met for the first time with a bunch of other friends for lunch, and actually didn't get much time to talk, but afterwards he offered to walk me to my car... Then I didn't hear from him for three weeks. One day, out of the blue, he called me and said he was going to be in Boise for the weekend and asked if I wanted to go with him to a Boise State football game. So October 22 we had our first date; we went to the game together and afterwards wandering around downtown, where we ended up stopping at our now favorite restaurant to share a bottle of wine and parts and pieces of our lives, hopes, and desires. That first date lasted over eight hours and ended with our first kiss out on a dock on the lake behind my apartment. All in all, it was pretty perfect!

From there, we continued the long distance thing with weekends together here and there. Then in January, he came for New Years to AK to meet my family, and proposed. Obviously, I said yes! and we set the date for May 26, 2012. Since then we have been happily married and living in Pocatello, ID. Blake is a commercial loan officer for a local community bank, and is starting his Masters in Business Administration Spring semester 2012; which is when I will also be starting the nursing program at ISU. I'm very excited to get started and get back in the routine of school... Mostly I'm excited that the end is in sight, and I will finally be able to start a career that I am passionate about! At this point, I'm thinking that I want to work in Labor and Delivery, as I have always been interested in women's health and I love babies! But time will tell, I think clinicals and contacts I make during that time will influence where I end up for now.
So that's my life history in a nut shell! A little bit about me, the person, I love to cook and bake... In my free time, I am often on Pinterest searching for new recipes (lets suffice it to say that I have 15 different recipe boards). My husband appreciates many of my efforts, but much to my dismay, does
not have much of a sweet tooth, so many of my baking concoctions get
sent to the bank with him... I plan to use this blog to help me organize and feature some of the new recipes I try.
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